### 만들고자 하는 기능이 무엇인가요?
ex) Todo 생성 기능
### 해당 기능을 구현하기 위해 할 일이 무엇인가요?
1. [x] Construct DEV branch (COMMIT & PUSH w/ this branch)
2. [x] Pull Request DEV -> MAIN
### 예상 작업 시간
ex) 10min
## Mise en Place de Mon Git Flow
**Description de la Tâche:**
Configurer et mettre en place le Git flow pour le projet.
## Étapes pour Réaliser la Tâche
1. Initialiser Git flow sur le projet…
# Git Flow
#### Main 브랜치
- 릴리즈가 끝난 최종 상태의 브랜치
#### Release 브랜치 ( 2024-03-18 추가 )
- Develop에서 Feature의 코드를 합치고 에러가 없을 시 배포 후 QA를 위한 브랜치
#### Develop 브랜치
- 다음 배포(릴리즈)를 대비하여 개발한 코드를 모아두는 …
PyCharm git-flow integration is pretty much great. What about taking it as a benchmark for this project?
imaia updated
8 years ago
### Summary
The Duality repo currently uses a custom setup for its branches and workflow. To make it easier for new contributors to understand the process, consider adopting the widely used [git fl…
ilexp updated
4 years ago
![screenshot from 2015-08-25 14 56 18](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/3827048/9480709/7ef40f44-4b39-11e5-9094-baa1486a618e.png)
missing `git flow config`
I think hapi-harvester (as well as some of our other libs) lends itself for a more streamline branch flow. My suggestion would be to leverage github's: http://scottchacon.com/2011/08/31/github-flow.ht…
We use Fork a lot internally we really love it! Thank you for this awesome work. 😍
There is this one bug that really drove me crazy with the Git flow integration.
If you activate (git flow init…
Ah, the humble git commit message—a window into the soul of a project! But, folks, we seem to have stumbled into a temporal rift. Our commit messages are stuck in the past, quite literally. Instead of…