Hi, Jennifer it's me again:)
I was following your awesome tutorial performing grasp action with jaco.
I have successfully done the first two parts, but I got some problem when following part 3. I tr…
I do as the cgdb manual,but it shows model list retrieval failed.There are data in the database when viewed with pgamdin III.
In Automated grasping tutorial is shown a way of executing grasps that are pre-computed and saved on a file. My question is if it is possible to use my own without using GraspIt, or if needed, if ther…
Hi Jennifer:
By running `rosrun grasp_planning_graspit graspit_simulator`, I can see that the energy formulations include Contacts and Quality, Hand Contacts, Potential Quality, Autograsp Quality and…
Hello @JenniferBuehler ,
I am adding some graspable object in graspit world along with my robot.I do have some obstacle over which I am placing this graspable object.Pose for this object is basica…
Hi Jennifer:
I am trying to follow the tutorial at https://github.com/JenniferBuehler/grasp-execution-pkgs/wiki/Automated-grasping-tutorial#part-2-grasp-from-file. When I am generating a grasp, I fol…
In `graspit_commander`, there is a function of [`planGrasps`](https://github.com/graspit-simulator/graspit_commander/blob/master/src/graspit_commander/graspit_commander.py#L328). What is the differenc…
Hi Jennifer:
I am executing the jaco grasp using the [example grasps](https://github.com/JenniferBuehler/graspit-pkgs/tree/master/jaco_graspit_sample/example_grasps) by following the tutorial here at…
I'm looking at using GraspIt with ROS and I was wondering if there is any method to give a pre-computed grasp and refine it in GraspIt.
I'm looking at the option of pipelining moveit_simple_grasps …
Hey Jennifer
We are using Graspit.Services to integrate our Custom Robot hand with UR5 Robot.So we are using graspit for Grasp execution and evaluation.
We successfully made graspit files for our Ro…
ghost updated
7 years ago