aktuelle 2.0-beta
Mein Testserver ist unterdimensioniert, ich weiß.
Aber dennoc…
**Describe the bug**
直接从My library里面点开文献后,进入Zotero PDF 阅读窗口,这时候Translate的浮动按钮不显示(本来应该要显示)
但是当点击上面的选项卡,切换到My library再切换回来,Translate浮动按钮又显示了。
**To Reproduce**
1. Preference 设置如下:
## Description
Apparently I am not able to connect with the discord server
## Version info
**Client used:**
Lavalink.jar (using with discord.js)
**Output of `java -version`:**
## Description
Failed to match ytInitialData JSON object when attempting to search a track using the Lavalink ytsearch function
No matches found
There's an error like this.
## Vers…
My router is FAST3686v2. I'm trying with the coax cable removed, just LAN1 connected to the PC (linux-host).
I logged in to the WWW-GUI and downloaded GatewaySettings.bin
As stated GatewaySettin…
### Describe the bug
When creating a new workspace the following error is returned from the Web UI
Error: Request createWorkspace failed with message: 14 UNAVAILABLE: failed to connect to all…
## Description
Half of the time, when I try playing with Lavalink, it crashes with this:
Exception in websocket connection, closing. Channel state is Websocket Channel is null
**Describe the bug**
I was successfully using `mvn quarkus:remote-dev` until I introduced `quarkus.servlet.context-path` from #2479.
**Expected behavior**
Same as before.
**Actual behavior…
Caused by: java.io.EOFException: XNIO000812: Connection closed unexpectedly
at org.xnio.http.HttpUpgrade$HttpUpgradeState$UpgradeResultListener.handleEvent(HttpUpgrade.java:416)
at org.xnio.h…