当前主题CSS为纯手写,在迭代过程中对于CSS代码的修改比较繁琐,特别是宽度自适应在当前都还是靠`@media`来实现媒体查询的,这一点在后续维护过程中会带来非常繁杂的工作量(也是中文官网里提到的“在您的 CSS 中使用大量复杂的媒体查询非常糟糕,因此 Tailwind 可以让您直接在 HTML 中构建响应式的设计。”),所以还是引入一套更加语义化的CSS框架可能对于未来的修改会更友好些,特别是T…
I'm going to slowly chip away at the next version of the theme. These are just ideas I have at the moment in no particular order. If anyone using the theme has any feedback let me know.
- ~~Take care…
It would be nice to have a feature similar to Laravel, Symfony, Doctrine, Grav CMS etc. where a user can run commands from the console to perform the following tasks:
## Init
`postleaf init`
Run …
### Description
When using a flat file CMS, [Hugo](https://gohugo.io) for instance, it is possible to embed an edit link into a page which returns a specific URL.
Then the user can click on that…
### Describe the problem
While editing site contents I often jump right into a particular file in routes, or jump around between files and make edits as I go.
There is a really nice feature in Hugo …
Let's list them here.
Thanks so much for your hard work. I don't know how much this is maintained, but I tried to use your hugo module for sveltia
baseURL: /
languageCode: en-us
title: My New Hugo Site
**👋 This is a proposal for reorganizing the navigation on the NetlifyCMS docs site. The goal is to make it easier for users to find the guidance they need.**
## A proposal for a new navigation st…