In Eval step 0: I change the parameter "self.data_infos = random.sample(self.data_infos, 50)" in the 62 line of UltraLiDAR_nusc_waymo/plugin/datasets/nusc_dataset.py. And run the command, i find there…
Excuse me, I am currently working on a project that involves utilizing the KITTI360 dataset for computer vision research. I am particularly interested in the depth map data included in the dataset. I …
My current input is:
DATA_ROOT="./directory" # set your dataset root directory, where the data was/will be downloaded
Before this training session, I attempted to train a 3D monocular model using the KITTI360 dataset. After successfully completing the training, I attempted to switch the training data to the point clo…
Hi, thanks for the great work.
I have some questions about the evaluation on KITTI-360 dataset. You mentioned that you generated 37691 scenes and use the maximum 37691 images for evaluation. I wonder…
Thank you for your great work.
I've followed ATISS pre-processing code to create boxes.npz. However, the boxes.npz generated by ATISS is inconsistent with the one required in dataset.py. I c…
I am trying to reproduce the results of VoxFormer using the SSCBench dataset. However, stereo image pairs are not provided in SSCBench.
To obtain stereo pairs, I tried matching frames between SSCBe…
Hi, thank you for sharing the great work.
I met the error below when I run the script `python kitti360.py`
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2023-07-24 0…
I encountered the following problem while training the 3D point cloud model:
[2023-07-20 08:48:30,841][torch_points3d.datasets.base_dataset][INFO] - Available stage selection datasets: ['…
Upon sampling and analyzing several preprocessed label files, I discover that none of them contain classes greater than 10.
To reproduce this issue, you can follow the steps below in Python: