Dear Sir.
Initially, many thanks for your efforts creating "sn-example.lyx".
It simply does not compile in lyx. Please find the details below.
- I use Lyx 2.3.7 and TeXLive 2021.
- I downloade…
Build sets of training examples for proofreading markers using a mouse / Magic Trackpad and symbol sizes of the size applicable to the task (e.g. proofreading symbols are quite small, LaTeX symbols yo…
## Expected Behavior
If the user enables `mixed-pitch-mode` (https://gitlab.com/jabranham/mixed-pitch), it's expected that the latex enviroments were fontified in `fixed-font`
[Publishing templates and examples in the Overleaf Gallery - Overleaf, Online LaTeX Editor](https://www.overleaf.com/learn/how-to/Publishing_templates_and_examples_in_the_Overleaf_Gallery)这个链接有视频,很简单
Some code examples fall between pages and the page break looks bad. Once the content is totally settled, should look into a LaTex way to address this mis-formatting.
## The problem
The present set of prompts, extracted from `mathlib`, has the following known limitations:
* __LaTeX formulas__ : Docstrings contain formulas as Lean code in backticks so example …
Dollar signs in the document seem to break the `confl_create_post_from_Rmd` process in weird ways, resulting in an error: `Error parsing xhtml: Unexpected close tag ; expected .`
I've narrowed it d…
@johannesbottcher [recommended](https://twitter.com/templateGundar/status/686207703618838528) to have a look at [thesis.cls](https://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/thesis) and to includ…
## current situation
- rendered in display mode: `Latex_Environment` & `Displayed_Math`
- rendered in inline mode: `Latex_Fragment Inline/Display`
1. `$content$`, TeX delimiter…
Would it be possible to add a site option that can be enabled to hide the website header when printing?
## Proposal
I'm currently writing some notes for a university course and the latex export does…