### What do you think has caused this issue?
Drove through my sandy loam (seemingly mostly clay) pasture until the road is put in. The vehicle began to sink and is now stuck until the ground dries u…
This could either be accomplished by modifying `loam.open()` to detect URLs, or by creating a new method specifically for the purpose of opening remote files.
Either way, the corresponding Emscript…
Has anyone ever encountered this problem? A-loam is runnin…
got erro in rviz which shows out
Transform [sender=unknown_publisher]
你好, 请问这种RGBD相机是否能够直接建立深度地图(深度作为输入跑类似LOAM),他的性能和和其他RGBD相机(Kinect, ZED, 奥比中广),有实际的明显差异吗?
We need to test and merge the following forks:
HDL32 https://github.com/smori/loam_velodyne/commit/774d5117ffc7662cd30ef831be9ce82b6985d5df
HDL64 https://github.com/YANG-H/loam_velodyne/commit/ba1d606…
Dear officer,
Thanks for sharing a great job.I am running the code with the experiments DARPA SubT Challenge Urban Circuit in the paper _Self-supervised Learning of LiDAR Odometry for Robotic Appli…
I'm getting this error on rviz when running the launch file for livox_horizon and because of that I cannot see the mapped pointcloud on rviz. How to fix that? Thanks
I tried the following steps:
cd pointcloud_to_2d_map
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
the last step "make" gives me the error as below