### 定义
CORS:跨来源资源共享(CORS)是一份浏览器技术的规范,提供了 Web 服务从不同网域传来沙盒脚本的方法,以避开浏览器的同源策略,是 JSONP 模式的现代版。与 JSONP 不同,CORS 除了 GET 要求方法以外也支持其他的 HTTP 要求。用 CORS 可以让网页设计师用一般的 XMLHttpRequest,这种方式的错误处理比JSONP要来的好,JSONP对于 R…
Seems like a nice-to-have. Makes it easier to feverishly add subscriptions.. See the [MDN page](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web-based_protocol_handlers) for how-to.
**Issue by [larz0](https://github.com/larz0)**
_Thursday Mar 13, 2014 at 20:54 GMT_
_Originally opened as https://github.com/adobe/brackets/issues/7194_
Something like this:
When we try to play video content in IE we are getting the below error.
Can someone help me to close this issue?
[Update - for the TL;DR - jump to [this comment](https://github.com/infonomic/remix.infonomic.io/issues/2#issuecomment-1419988439) ]
@mattstobbs @kiliman - so I took a stab at refactoring Matt's ex…
I just noticed that if I use a phone or simply resize chrome to look like a phone, the size bar resizes. This is what I expected. The problem is that if I click on the 3 bars to CLOSE the side-bar an…
MDN URL: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/cookies/SameSiteStatus
#### What information was incorrect, unhelpful, or incomplete?
I've configured my enviromental variables, but I'm getting this error, any idea?
invalid json response body at https://twitter.com/pmerj/likes/timeline?include_available_features=1&include_entities…
## 啰里吧嗦的开头
SameSite cookie 推出已一年有余,自己看了不少文章,也撞了不少南墙,所以还是那句好记性不如烂笔头。你可能觉得自己懂了,但试着讲出来,才能知道自己是否真的懂了。
- 带你入门的阮老师:https://www.ruanyifeng.com/blog/2019/0…