Yesterday I placed a request related to the locale change dynamically in the wrong place.
First of all, i am still a newbie with vuejs.
I'm using this Boilerplate Repo for my project.
你好,我将 `./pinyin-data/pinyin.txt` 文件进行去声调处理,并统计所有的音节(不带音调),发现了一些奇怪的音节,经过查询后,发现 [ế](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E5%99%8E#Han_character_2) 是越南汉字的训读方式,并非汉语的训读方式。当然不仅仅一个,以下是 根据 `./pinyin-data/pinyin.tx…
不是我写的。来自 http://xh.5156edu.com/page/z4631m9119j18708.html 这里只是做一份存档。我的本意是吐嘈:http://yihui.name/cn/2014/02/zhong-hua-zi-jing/
qián kūn yǒu xù yǔ zhòu wú jiāng xīng chén mì bù dǒu bǐng zhǐ háng
乾 坤 有…
yihui updated
6 years ago
[Krikzz has announced](https://twitter.com/krikzz/status/1029866104259321856) that the next Everdrive N8 firmware will add support for 50 new mappers (27, 35, 37, 44, 45, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 60, 103, …
var uploadCount = 0;
weui.uploader("#uploader", {
// url: "http://localhost:8081",
url: "https://sbc.stpass.com/synergy-api/service/wechatevi…
We have two versions of our fourteenth-century repertory: one in MEI-CMN and one in MEI-Mensural. I know that the playback is not yet implemented for mensural MEI but it doesn't work very well now eit…
Om de url een naamgeving te geven als "http://dev.roeselarevrijwilligt.be/vacature/**Barmedewerker**" hebben we een extra veld nodig in de entity/db waar deze unieke string in bewaard wordt. Nu is het…
load_phrases_dict({'几': [['jǐ']]})
load_phrases_dict({'桔子': [['jú'], ['zǐ']]})
load_phrases_dict({'还没': [['hái'], ['méi']]})
load_phrases_dict({'不用谢':[['bú'], ['yòng'],['xiè']]})
不用谢(bú yòng x…
Update: 这个真是七牛上也找不到了,我把课程删除了,总共就一个视频。