- [ ] Quick Start (dendropyを元にしていることを書く.)
- [ ] 入力の仕方.
- [ ] Consensusの作り方
- [ ] サポートの計算
- [x] Visualization
DendroPy is awesome.
I would love to see DendroPy's Tree data structures access modern tree visualization tools like [D3](https://d3js.org/). A simple method for writing the Tree data structure to a…
Gosh, I still don't know what is am doing wrong and I feel like such an id. I am trying to paste in a tree for a new study I have added, Stearn 2011, and I keep getting this error message:
I am trying to add a tree to a study in newick by pasting in text of the form:
((Murrayona, Paramurrayona) (Petrobiona, Lepidoleucon) (Minchinella, Monoplectroninia, Petrostoma, Plectroninia, Tuleari…
@jar398 has pointed out that our use of PUT for study updates (and possibly supporting files?) is not correct. In principle PUT should be sending the **same** representation (ie, bare NexSON) we'd exp…
We currently have two ways of displaying a phylogeny:
1. In the phylogeny view, we display the phylogeny as entered: we display ALL internal nodes.
2. In the phyloref view for a particular phyloref,…
When I run the install script, it seems to install `htslib` and `Bio` modules right in the ensembl-vep folder, which naturally isn't already in my `@INC` path. So, later on in the `INSTALL.pl` script,…
The original Nexus description reference seems to say that repeats aren't allowed in the taxa or character name lists:
* On p. 598 of the reference, `They [taxon names] must not correspond to anoth…
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TaxonWorks is nearing a stage where questions are beginning to arise as to if and how data within a workbench might be displayed to public users. This issues is a st…
This is hard to reproduce. It does not happen for me when I run the test alone, but If I add `self.maxDiff = None` to `test_dataio_nexml_reader_tree_list.py` and run it in the context of the full test…