From Papertrail chat:
> I installed .deb package and was not able to demonize it without manual delete the .pid file.
Hi guys,
woohhhaaa! my winston setup crashes the process when the connection to papertrail is lost:
"winston": "^3.2.1",
"winston-papertrail": "^1.0.5"
const p…
While working on creating an adapter, I have it sending all logs to papertrail and my adapter sends certain lines to another service if they contain a specific value. If my adapter processes a line, I…
Hi All,
I am always getting error "Cannot log unknown syslog level". When i look into the code, the following code snippet is reason for this error
if (!~levels.indexOf(info[LEVEL])) {
I'd like to use this library from OSGi (particularly from dropwizard metrics-servlets). I'm attaching a PR if any interest.
This is the sort of thing we need to see each others work and hopefully have a papertrail on prompts:
[Breadboard - A Stablediffusion Browser, version 0.1.0 release](https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDi…
log를 관리해주는 서비스 연결하기.
iOS - logs come but have "SwiftFlutterPaperTrailAltPlugin@logMessageAndParseArguments(_:result:):82 " in starting.
Android - logs not coming. please check the issue.
.deb packages are quite useless without having them distributed via a repo.
Consider publishing them using your https://packagecloud.io/papertrail account…
Some commentary on windows papertrail logging:
Mar 18 20:36:13Z [EC2AMAZ-AMNTGCN](https://my.papertrailapp.com/systems/EC2AMAZ-AMNTGCN/events?focus=1573847778722594817&selected=1573847778722594817)…