We are adding `Gene burden` as a new evidence source for the upcoming release (22.04). We need to create a table to display the data in the **public** version of the Platform.
## Data
The curren…
Suppose I work on a problem of link prediction where each entity may have some external source of embedding (a vector of a certain dimension, like a chemical fingerprint). I would like to add this ext…
Hi there,
Thanks for developing such an amazing tool for PheWAS code mapping. Recently, when we used its function.createUKBphenome.r script to load all baskets, we encountered the following error:
Variant summary:
- [x] Show GRCh37 chrom, position information
Assigned genes section:
- [x] eQTL and pQTL labels are missing, I’ve updated these in `gs://genetics-portal-data/lut/v2g_display_lab…
Currently the NCATS (`ubuntu@biothings.ncats.io`) ES is still using S3 bucket `biothings-es6-snapshots` for snapshots, as shown below:
pending@ip-172-31-1-254: ubuntu > curl -X GET "localh…
Currently, PheWAS lookups are only possible with build 37 GWAS results. Would be great to be able to convert coordinates between builds on the fly so that GWAS results and PheWAS results from differen…
Dear Dr. Zhou,
I find website `pheweb.sph.umich.edu` can not be accessed. Can you make a check to the server? another question is I am wondering is there any links to download the summary statisti…
Due to old gene symbols used by PheWAS catalog, we see a large number of invalid evidence in the 21.09 release. It raises the question if it make sense to keep this datasource at all considering the s…
Motivation: Maya raised that it would be helpful to display each study's sample size on the *studies comparison page* (per row in the table).
Can the `studyInfo(studyId)` query be updated to accomm…
The reasoning behind is purely technical @peatroot @mirandaio . It has priority over any other pending thing that is not a bug currently