When I run a test, it throws an error saying:
UnexpectedValueException: The stream or file "/home/adam/www/Atestat/app/database/../logs/mysqlError.log" could not be opened: failed to open stream: Per…
Simplified reproducible example:
class AssertCountProblemTest extends TestCase
* @var list
private static array $database = [];
public function test…
Managing PHPUnit compatibility is a real nightmare
Most often, PHP extensions use .phpt file instead of phpunit test case
For now, we are unable to run test suite with PHP 8 because of phpunit
Is there a way to show test output when running the tests? Below is my config:
config = function()
library = { plugins = { …
when I run phpunit, it says
Could not use "Codedungeon\PHPUnitPrettyResultPrinter\Printer" as printer.
Lacking tests here bro. :)
Hi @WouterSioen,
I was just wondering if it would come in handy that tests are automatically executed when trying to commit. Sometimes we do not want to push commits that break our tests... But somet…
I get "Phalcon\Di\Exception: Service 'modelsManager' wasn't found in the dependency injection container" when executing phpunit with the tests provided?