I could see powa queries listed under other databases which makes it difficult for optimisation. Is there an option to exclude powa queries under other databases ?
![Screenshot from 2023-05-11 11-42-08](https://github.com/powa-team/powa/assets/87175483/4eafcf51-38ca-4d81-b919-4671bb40ac89)
Remote server configuration shows as powa is disabled. How can we recti…
Got this error log in PostgreSQL :
`ERROR: XX000: invalid memory alloc request size 1107200064`
The query is the following one :
CONTEXT: SQL statement "SELECT now(), COALESCE(pgss.dbid, …
Dzień dobry,
Mam problem z zastosowaniem metody do edycji oferty powiązanej z produktem. Wykonuję taki request:
"name":"Butelka termiczna 0,5l Green Is The New Black",
We faced with a problem during postgres major version upgrade (13 ->15), when `pgsentinel` is set in `shared_preload_libraries`.
In our upgrade script we uses `pg_upgrade`. You can see it's lo…
Total runtime = 76s 188ms
Number of Execution = 488910
Total runtime/Number of Execution = 0,00015583 s = 156 µs
But on the chart we see 15 s
powa-web version 4.1.4
This family of queries run when we're on a "per database" overview. They're trying to figure out min/max of counters for each query, for wait events… and they can be slow. It's the case for me, as the…
Dzień dobry,
Podczas wystawiania aukcji za pośrednictwem baselinkera, otrzymujemy błąd "Nie można pobrać zdjęcia z adresu 'przykładowy.adres'. Serwer ze zdjęciem zwrócił kod HTTP: 400 BAD_REQUEST z …
I'm trying to set up remote powa, but got following error:
2023-04-17 13:39:26 UTC [23966-1] powa@::1 ERROR: null value in column "queryid" of relation "powa_statements_src_tmp" violat…
I just wanted to reinstall powa on Oracle Linux 9 (coming from CentOS7). Here we get Tornado 6.1.0 which has removed WSGIAdapter (in this commit: https://github.com/tornadoweb/tornado/commit/7…