At the moment tags like
- “controllo della qualità dell’aria”
- “RNDT, cave dismesse, cave vuote, cave”
- “legge 190/2012”
- “art. 145”
are considered not valid and prevent a dataset to be harvest…
Tested on field "Parametro osservativo" in RNDT.
When filling in autocompletion fields:
- queries start after the first character is specified (not after three, which was the behavior in the previou…
Tested with element "Responsabile dei metadati" in RNDT
- when deleting the value of an item that has been selected via autocompletion, the items in the same element that where filled in on the basis…
Allow the user to search only for harvested datasets belonging to a given Catalog.
- [x] The GUI will show the "source catalog" facet in the dataset search page.
- [x] The search API will allow a new…
I am integrating tesseract with node server with webpack and getting error invalid image data while passing the image buffer to tesseract,js
getting following error " Uncaught Invalid ImageData…
In order to populate yet-to-be-added `Deprecated` column to our CSV, I've been looking at the responses of several major datacenter CSW services. So far I have endpoints:
US NODC, Geoportal Ser…
Some improvements on schema-plugins interactions and on Italian localization have been made when implementing the iso19139.rndt schema plugin.
These commits have been performed on branch 2.10.x only.…
Creating a metadata child (RNDT) the 'issueIdentification' value of the child should be the same of the father (non equal to the 'gmd:identifier' of the child created).
When we try to edit a Template RNDT, GeoNetwork throws an exception and the update procedure fails. This happens only from the second time we try to edit a template.
Below the error from the GeoNetwo…
When I try to open NASA's CWIC CSW endpoint:
listed at on the [CEOS CWIC page](http://www.ceos.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id…