gin49 updated
6 years ago
I bought the Tello, and updated it to the latest firmware:
Upon trying to instantiate the object "Tello", the `__init__` method would raise a `RuntimeError('Tello rejected attempt to ente…
File "C:/Users/Ricardo/PycharmProjects/Tello/OPenpose.py", line 354
log.debug(f'special key {keyname0} pressed')
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Hi there, I have installed the project successfully using the `./install.sh` script.
files in Tello_Video:
LICENSE.md __pycache__ h264decoder install main.py tello.pyc tello_control_…
Har lekt runt lite i koden med min egna Tello-drönare (för att det va kul hehe) och sett lite saker. Tänkte höra med dig om du får samma?
- Det ges _exception out of range_, orsakas pga i…
neuro@peppermint-usb ~/drona/tello-nodejs-master-x86 $ node TelloMissionFile.js
let rx;
SyntaxError: Block-scoped de…
could you help a bit:
is node seems to be right ?
I am using ROS2 humble on a Ubuntu 22.04.
When i try to build the orbslam3 node, I get the following error:
$ colcon build --symlink-install --packages-select orbslam3
Starting >>> orbsl…
Hi, the I am using this sdk for my newly bought tello. The video feed is fine, the take off and landing command works, and the rotate cw and ccw command works "Response: ok". However, when I send the …
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Gabri\Desktop\TelloTV-master\TelloTV.py", line 1, in
from djitellopy import Tello
File "C:\Users\Gabri\Desktop\TelloTV-master\djitellopy\_…