Hello @tobyhodges
I hope you're doing well! I noticed that this repository includes an introduction to LLMs, which is great. I’m currently working on a course in NLP on [GitHub](https://github.com…
We could use an LLM agent for fetching the story and polish it, at least would be interesting to know how well it could behave in comparison with our current approach
I am currently working on getting the ardupilot plugin to work with multiple UAVs that are launched via URDF files. I was able to transition the SDF models to URDFs that spawn correctly and output all…
prod test5
I used this utility for a long time before I left zmodeler 2, now I switched to blender and unfortunately there are no adequate 2dfx exports to blender. Perhaps this information will be useful for add…
이전 이슈에서는 KoBERT 모델이 좋다고 말했었는데 그것보다 좋은 모델이 있다.
이전 이슈의 2번째 모델인 'Korean Contextualized Topic Models'을 이용하는 것이 좋아보임
다만 시간이 많이 걸린다고 했는데 이는 시각화하는 pyLDAvis 때문에 오래 걸리는 것이지 학습자체는 금방 끝나는 것을 확인함
따라서 이 모…
I have a Diesel Escalade in use and it generates this exception. Is there a dictionary that shows this sensor is a text string I can update? (I have 4 vehicles that are working well with the 2 in Ho…
Time: 2024-08-12 6:00PM Eastern
UTCTime: 2024-08-12 22:00 UTC
Duration: 2h
Location: ATL BitLab, 684 John Wesley Dobbs Ave NE, Unit A1, Atlanta, GA 30312
Time: 2024-07-08 6:00PM Eastern
UTCTime: 2024-07-08 22:00 UTC
Duration: 2h
Location: ATL BitLab, 684 John Wesley Dobbs Ave NE, Unit A1, Atlanta, GA 30312
The code and docs all mention DSM but don't expand that acronym or reference what it is.
I did a search and I'm fairly sure it stands for Design Structure Matrix or Dependency and Structure Modelin…