> Most frontends should be implemented in very few lines of code, with many only being a single line of code. Shortening a frontend might involve adding a new function to our Experimental API, or exte…
Hi, I was trying to reproduce your best result (mAP=88.7%) by simply runing
python tools/train.py --config_file='configs/softmax_ranked.yml' DATASETS.NAMES "('market1501')"
but I got a m…
Hi again -
is there a loss function in which you can train with multiple similar sentences for one query sentence? For example, the SBERT paper cites BERT, senteval, skip-though vectors, etc. Could a…
# Resumo
Iniciei a implementação dos experimentos visando reproduzir #59, mas estava encontrado dificuldades em fazer o código do zero, com muitas informações vagas do artigo. Contudo, descobri que…
I use colab to run your code. I have put the data set in the specified location, but I still throw an error. Please help me. **Thank you.**
2022-08-26 10:36:30,952 reid_baseline INFO: Using 1 GPUS
CycleCL is a new contrastive learning method for cyclic videos: https://arxiv.org/abs/2311.03402
It could be an interesting addition to the package. We would have to add the following:
- [ ] Loadi…
I was using triplet loss function from `tensorflow_addons.losses.TripletSemiHardLoss(margin=1.0)` to train my model using following line:
mfide updated
6 months ago
is there any way to disable in-batch negatives during training in Sentence Transformers?
HI I'm stuck here.
keras merge keep error me out.
In [13]: tpe, tpe_pred = build_tpe(n_in, n_out, W_pca.T)
D:\xrvision\XRV_projects\Face-identification-with-cnn-triplet-loss\model.py:67: Us…
Hi Lu,
I'm currently trying to reproduce your paper results on CIFAR100 and I was wondering which triplet loss version you used since you provided two implementations in your repository ([triplet.py]…