Random thought... I wonder if `ContactProperty` should actually reflect the list of HTML autocomplete names... and, instead of returning a `ContactInfo` dictionary, the API just returned `FormData`?
I tried the example in the "Switching to the file logger" section. Nothing is saved to the log file.
pyomexmeta: 1.2.12
python: 3.9.5
OS: Ubuntu
_Originally posted by @jonrkarr in https://gith…
Seems TSK, or some of its dependencies, is doing something crazy with java system properties internal map. Most property keys are being cleared and doesn't show up anymore if you iterate over the prop…
grep -R mimemagi
plugins/redmine_more_previews/README.md: - fixed mimemagick dependency after license change
plugins/redmine_more_previews/Gemfile:#gem 'mimemagic', '~> 0.3.8'
_joy_ghosh001@…_ originally submitted this as _[ticket:846](https://trac.calendarserver.org/ticket/846)_
- **Keywords:** _Unable_, _to_, _start_, _CALDAV_, _server_
- **Cc:** _nejeoui@…_
This issue is to track what needs to be done until and things that happen during us distributing the app to 20 doctors at USB. We don't have to discuss everything here but would be good to link to it …
Procedure to reproduce, tested with pidgin 2.10.9, purple-events 0.2 on Sabayon with XMPP:
1) Add a MUC-chat.
2) Enter the chat.
3) Disable logging.
4) Quit Pidgin.
5) Pidgin crashes at startup. (So…
IP Address contacts don't appear to be getting parsed.
Looks like they aren't in the expected fields? Not sure if this is common to all IP records or just the 10 or so I've looked at.
eg; f…
Impacted versions: v16
Steps to reproduce:
1) export data (any model, list view)
Expected behavior:
Data is successfully exported
Current behavior:
Export fails and an error is shown :
I've been encoutering this issue for quite some time and it happened while using WhiteHat01's (https://github.com/whitehat101/xmpp4r) fork of xmpp4r as well.
I hoped that this new maintained vers…