Having a definitive book about the language is a rite of passage for languages. We don't really have such a thing. Petty as it may seem, having 'Real World Prolog' appear next to 'Real World Haskell' …
In order to encourage development of related tooling, we should establish a standard way of transmitting and inputting Ithkuil/TNIl words, e.g. to a web frontend. In particular, we should provide cano…
Hey 😃
First, thank you for putting out this library from which I've learned and got inspired a ton. I think I also share this passion for a "streaming-oriented programming" style kinda.
I wanted…
Original discussion in https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/issues/6015
I have the following few things that keep bugging me when I write classes and would would be great to seem them appear in…
What we currently refer to as a "use case" is actually not a use case but a user action, which can be part of one or more use cases. User actions are facilitated through an *Interactor*. Up until now,…
The template should be divided into four elements
1. Title of the position
2. Responsibilities
3. Requirements
4. Method of contact
The goal is to train the soft skills that we learn during t…
Would you like to add more error handling for return values from functions like the following?
- [pthread_mutex_init](http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/functions/pthread_mutex_init.html…
## 为什么使用AOP
面向切面的程序设计(Aspect-oriented programming,AOP,又译作面向方面的程序设计、剖面导向程序设计)是计算机科学中的一种程序设计思想,旨在将横切关注点与业务主体进行进一步分离,以提高程序代码的模块化程度。通过在现有代码基础上增加额外的通知(Advice)机制,能够对被声明为“切点(Pointcut)”的代码块进行统一管理与装饰,如“对所有方…
## 1. Spring을 사용하는 이유는 무엇일까?
## 2. Spring과 Spring Boot의 차이는?
在以前的项目中,很少去关注spring aop的具体实现与理论,只是简单了解了一下什么是aop具体怎么用…