Improve LEAP quality by enhancing CICD.
- Identify the CICD shortcomings
- Prioritize the most critical items
- Choose which to target contemporaneously with the v5.0.0 Milestone
- …
서브모듈 업데이트 자동화(github actions)
Use Github Actions or something to run tests
# The 7 essential stages of a CI/CD pipeline
The key activities that make up a solid, dependable CI/CD pipeline for your code
Context: See #136, #161, #209 and #214 for initial justifications for the following unified issue.
Specifically from #161: Easily tracked code coverage is an absolute requirement for the new CICD flo…
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
create a ticket to discuss the CICD requirement for faultinj tooling.
There is still some question for the tooling,
A. The artif…
# GitHub Actions으로 AWS CI/CD 구축하면서 만났던 에러 정리
이번 백엔드 스터디를 진행하면서 AWS CI/CD를 구축하게 되었다. 금방 끝날꺼라 생각했던 구축이 금방 끝나지 않아서 당황스러웠다 …문제가 되었던 것은 스터디 초창기에 다같이 Git Repo 만들면서 prod setting은 전혀 고려하지 않아서 그랬던거 같다.
Currently the workflows
* test all pushes to main/dev/'release/**'.
* merge and tag
Need a workflow to build poetry distrubution and create a versioned github release.