I wrote a test about double-clicking on Chinese text. See a [summary of the result](https://w3c.github.io/i18n-tests/results/int-grapheme-word-segmentation.html#chinese).
What would be the expectat…
In Chinese, pinyin syllables can be separated by spaces, but when part of a single compound word, they're more typically just juxtaposed with no separator. Except some of them: for disambiguation, cer…
While looking into `` tag interop across browsers, I noticed that Gecko / Firefox has following in [html.css](https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/layout/style/res/html.css#748) file:
I propose a new [CSS `unicode-range`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@font-face/unicode-range) like mechanism, to allow more precise control over character's font.
## Proposed syn…
章节3.3.4中说汉语拼音行间注有单字标音与分词连写两种形式,但是分词连写这种形式在日常生活中十分少见——实际上我从来就没见过。所以图示以使用分词连写为主,感觉不太符合实际使用状况 。
而分词连写在更多情况下,像是用于正文且不作为注音用途的情况下。(在使用正文中夹注括号的注音方式时,单 (dān) 字 (zì) 标 (biāo) 音 (yīn) 的情况也更多一些。)
## Background of this issue
Something like the following paragraph in an HTML file:
Here is an English paragraph
that is broken into multiple lines
in the source code so that it can
This arises from https://www.w3.org/Mail/flatten/index?subject=Default+UA+stylesheet+for+emphasis+marks&list=www-style
Emphasis marks in horizontal japanese text go above the text, but in horizonta…
In the website, it is noted that U+FF5E FULLWIDTH TILDE should be rotated 90° clockwise in vertical writing mode as follow:
> 1. Em dashes, ellipsis, and connector marks need to be rotated 90 degre…
A.6 Full stops (cl-06)
A.7 Commas (cl-07)
> . | 002E | FULL STOP
> , | 002C | COMMA
These rows contain U+FF0E FULLWIDTH …