**Describe the bug**
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
The InitSetting.exe was giving an error of my graphic card driver (nvspcap64.dll error) so I update it since it was a while…
YATranslator Version error -
COM3D2 1.07.0 ,
02:14 view plz
Hey Denikson,
Thanks for the COM3D2 Update.
Works well with no errors so far except that certain UI Assets are not being replaced even though I've placed the files inside Config/Assets/resources…
In Pose Edit, edit place is stuck in the legs editing no matter which Edit place I chose.
I verified that YATranslator is making the Dance Appreciation Mode load with only the game options and not the normal one without YATranslator loaded.
I removed every single plugin and loaded it wi…