>[HOMER]( http://homer.ucsd.edu/homer/)(Hypergeometric Optimization of Motif EnRichment) is a suite of tools for Motif Discovery and next-gen sequencing analysis. It is a collection of command line p…
Meeting note on Feb 26. 2021
1. DNA footprinting pipeline(shared by Shannon): http://www.regulatory-genomics.org/hint/introduction/
2. DNA footprinting paper (shared by Shannon): https://genomebiolo…
ixxmu updated
2 years ago
ixxmu updated
2 years ago
# 生信爱好者周刊(第 4 期):生信有一天可以得诺贝尔奖吗
本杂志开源(GitHub: [ShixiangWang/weekly](https://github.com/ShixiangWang/weekly)),欢迎提交 issue,投稿或推荐生信相关内容。
GitHub 粉们可以通过 Watch 仓库的 Release(提前)…
I am trying to use computeMatrix and plotHeatmapper to generate heatmaps from some ChIPseq data. I have my bigWigs and feature maps, and yesterday I was able to generate the .gz matrix file…
I have downloaded the avg.bigwig file to use it to derive the 6th channel as input for training my model. I have quantile normalised my other Dnase-seq input data for the samples, is it necessa…
ixxmu updated
2 years ago
ixxmu updated
2 years ago
I have ran SEMpl for IKZF1 in GM12878 twice, using different ChIP-seq data as I am unsure of the recommended bigwig output to use.
Firstly, using the signal p-value bigwig file (ENCFF176OVL …