E.g. using https://github.com/jhollist/elevatr
Thanks for the excellent interface to DAYMET. I've noticed (for the last month or so) that I can no longer get DAYMET data via `download_daymet()`, the function always issues an error: `The server is …
When rendered in PDF, they are printed as "?".
**Please describe the problem.**
It could be useful to be able to create weighting profiles that are sensitive to the slope, gradient, of route segments encoded as linestrings. I've recently develo…
Create a function that animates a time lapse of satellite imagery over a 3d elevation model...
use `elevatr` to download a dem
use `getSpatialData` to download imagery
use `rayshader` to plot in…
I apologize if I am not at the right place to ask the following question.
I am interested in gathering altitude/ hypsography data for a set of geographic locations across the world. I found…
Here is code to obtain elevation data and produce a map using the ochre_pal function. It's very nice!
Running the following code:
get_elev_point(data.frame(long = 0, lat = 0), src = "aws", z = 7, prj = "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs")
returns NA for the elevation value:…
I originally posted this [here](https://github.com/tylermorganwall/rayshader/issues/19) but the issue was closed so I was unsure if anybody saw my message.
@tylermorganwall I am receiving the sa…
Hi Tyler - really enjoying the rayshader package so far! Thanks for putting it together!
If for whatever reason the popup window/render is still open after running plot_3d, when you rerun the pipe …