- [x] I have read the [FAQ](https://github.com/Genymobile/scrcpy/blob/master/FAQ.md).
- [x] I have searched in existing [issues](https://github.com/Genymobile/scrcpy/issues).
# 12.26小测试
- 时间要求: 12.17日18:00前,12.18日集中讲解题目(讲解时间具体通知)。
### Java部分:
1. 简述抽象类和接口区别
2. java中赋值操作部分,哪些属于浅拷贝,哪些为深拷贝
3. 尽量使用多种方式创建java对象(能写多少写多少)
4. 简述“equals”与“==”、“hashCode”的区别和使用场景
5. 实现一个自…
问题描述:如题,在使用 Apk Checker 的时候有些 task 产生的结果并不准确。
1、Find out the unused resources 下的 `R.dimen.p_80` 和 `R.color.white_50` 这种都是我代码…
Hey guys,
my internet connection is very slow.
Can I download your jdk once and the Buildpack uses my downloaded package?
Thank you
[Screen Mirroring log 2d49d1a1ed48.txt](https://github.com/user-attachments/files/16116434/Screen.Mirroring.log.2d49d1a1ed48.txt)
First of I want to thank you for this awesome project, I LOVE…
**Bug report**
For Linux Mint, or Ubuntu derivatives, sdkman configures itself into the .bashrc file. This causes issues when opening .desktop entries which are reliant on the JAVA_HOME envir…
### Description
Related to issue #71
Sorry to bother, I appended my quesiton to issuse #71 , but no response. so I opened a new issuse.
In badvpn([https://github.com/ambrop72/badvpn]()), I see t…
I use my app with SDL 2.30.2, but I seem to no longer get any audio played back?
For reference, the current audio handling is at: https://bitbucket.org/superfury/commonemuframework/src/ccd3a558e76c…
In many places in Gradle that accept a Provider, they also accept a Callable, such as project.files(...). However, one place I've noticed that doesn't do this is DependencyHandler. It accepts a Provid…
Currently I have two native parser implementations. Android uses `DocumentBuilderFactory` and the likes and on iOS I use `NSXMLParser`. I'd like to replace this with Ksoup so I can also share the pars…