Is there an interest in, or work underway to, implement support for Hack in addition to PHP?
I'm looking to replace PHPUnit with HackUnit on Titon: https://github.com/titon/framework
But before I do that, I would like to know what features in PHPUnit are in HackUnit, or what's missing? Is th…
Is there an interest in, or work underway to, implement support for Hack in addition to PHP?
Is there an interest in, or work underway to, implement support for Hack in addition to PHP?
Whenever i use the `Drupal` Standard:
I have phpcs configured correctly as it executes fine on the command line:
$ phpcs --standard=Drupal /Users/dbarratt/sit…
The [Autocomplete+ wiki](https://github.com/atom/autocomplete-plus/wiki/Autocomplete-Providers) says that this plugin is the provider of C++ (as well as PHP, but there's no mention of HackLang). I bel…
I'm trying to get code coverage for php/hacklang code under HHVM but I have some trouble and the executed lines don't tally.
Apparently in HHVM driver you are using fb_get_code_coverage(Just for the…
Since PHP 7 is in the process of being released IMHO we should consider start supporting it right now.
A first step to do this could be to tell travis to build the project against it as described [he…
At the moment, php or hhvm both don't support range within an if statement. We have to create our own wrappers like
``` php
function in_range($val, $min, $max) {
return ($val >= $min && $val
I noticed that Linter recently updated to v1.0, and this is one absolutely essential feature I really miss. The pre-1.0 option to limit visible panel errors to the selected line totally rocks, as I pr…