Delete [Bed Surges Dashboard](https://public.tableau.com/views/COVID-19BedSurgeDashboard/BedSurge?:embed=y&:showVizHome=no) from the [Data & tools page](https://covid19.ca.gov/data-and-tools/), since …
The `hospitals_dist.dta` file doesn't line up exactly with [the documentation](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQL3zu-_LMCV3gIjk1NOGWJVwDwcspl2lI7lvvRUuUgRN3I-X9QFe9BUhdr3dhROpTItTiiUx…
_Original issue https://github.com/covidatlas/coronadatascraper/issues/391, transferred here on Thursday Mar 26, 2020 at 17:51 GMT_
The `flattening the curve` approach is defining the concept o…
[CA indicators](https://covid19.ca.gov/roadmap-counties/)
County metrics
- [x] Daily number of deaths, past 7-day average (Target: 7-day average number of deaths has not increased over the past …
### Description
### Steps to Reproduce
1. Remove filament from printer and make sure the filament runout sensor is clear. Do an M119 in Pronterface or Octoprint terminal window and m…
I seem to be running into an issue deserializing from an XML HTTP GET response. Could someone provide some clarity on how I could resolve this?
`var serializer = new Configuration…
I am using your synthea:
downloaded at 2020 june 3
on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS to generate different patient populations. I am surprised about if I am using the comman…
I am running Synthea for the following configuration on Windows 10 Pro, 2004 ver on a AMD Phenom II X6 PC having 16gb RAM and 512 db SSD. The repo was cloned at a folder stored in a SATA HDD…
- [x] Better personal hygiene: each resident in Moria get handed two masks each but regular hand washing remains difficult in the future.
- [x] Building up hospital capacity: increase the hos…