The generatePassword function currently utilizes Math.random() to generate passwords. However, Math.random() is not a secure method for generating random numbers as it is a pseudo-random number genera…
What's the "interchange" format between matrix generation and key generation? I believe we may have different formats in which we want to be able to output matrices. Do we accept all of these for inpu…
Any chance pre-shared key generation can be added tor each pair of mesh nodes? (Further security improvement)
vpa-autoscaler-updater pod can't adjust cert-manager deployment, there is an error:
1113 12:33:40.225140 1 capping.go:79] no matching Container found for recommendation cert-manager
vpa he…
I noticed that both `generate_ed25519` and `generate_ed25519extended` fail when called from Javascript with this error
self.crypto is undefined (permanently unavailable)
User "rupert" on IRC noticed the lack of automatic key generation such as with sequences or autoincrementing attributes.
This needs more thought regarding branching and merging. Consider, for exam…
This should build on #208. We should consider just fixing the public exponent at 65537, since that is safe and fast (for verifiers). We should also consider limiting the public modulus size to 2048-81…
I am using `SwiftyRSA.generateRSAKeyPair(sizeInBits: 2048)` in a class that extends `UNNotificationServiceExtension`
My app is occasionally throwing an error **when my device is locked**...
I'm trying to create an hmac key using the Utimaco HSM simulator. However, I get error codes which do not make much sense to me. The code is just a modification of the sample code using an r…