I've got `rubygems.properties` set with:
``` ini
And when I run the application…
cf-release Release Candidate SHA for v231 Deploy:
Not A…
This is a pretty short issue, my apologies for this but I needed a working dev install of CF now, hence I switched to cf-aws-large for this moments so I have not much more information at this time.
I use `bosh` to deploy a multi-vm cloud foundry, and there are two runners for DEA.
I stopped `runner_z1/1` and started it. I expect `runner_z1/1` automatically come to `running` state, but it was al…
2016-04-19T19:28:26.43+0800 [STG/0] OUT -----> Uploading droplet (7.0M)
2016-04-19T19:28:26.63+0800 [API/0] ERR encountered error: Staging error: failed to stage application:
Instructions to intsal CF on OpenStack need to be updated for the latest release 183.
I updated the demo.yml and it works for the minimum requirements specified in the current tutorial link .
I'm exploring whether it's possible to make cf-release work with spruce instead of spiff. For the most part, it's meant I can delete a bunch of `some_prop: null` all over the place, which is awesome.…
I am trying to deploy cloud foundry using BOSH along with 3rd party services like Cassandra, Redis etc. Attached is my manifest yml. I am running into this error with logstash template and una…
I created a new VM with ubuntu 10.0.4:
root@abiel1:~# lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS
Release: 10.04
Codename: lucid…
I have deployed cf-release. Which version of Diego do I choose?
Two use cases:
Given a final release of cf-release, what final release of diego-release do I deploy, and how do I generat…