Suggesting that we plan for a separate part enabling basic analytics capabilities, including conformance classes for:
- derived fields supporting arithmetic (e.g. NDVI computation), `properties=`
- …
Current behaviour of pycsw for rel="xxx" of ogcapi item links is: if a link contains `rel`, then this link is taken
Hi, we are working on the OGC Testbed-20 Use Case B of EUMETSAT (described here: https://portal.ogc.org/files/?artifact_id=104098#eumetsat)
> Regarding weather and climate data, as the Destination …
The overview at:
is outdated, and could be replaced by the content from [a subset of the README in this repository](https://github.com/opengeospatial/og…
Data from the Influx Database will be exposed by the OGC APIs.
Current phase is the examples how it can be done with STA and Features API.
It is possible to register a full STAC catalogue using the harvester, but if platform providers just need a simple publishing of STAC items in bulk currently they need to POST one-by-one a STAC to the…
We still have a `sample-data` profile defined in the main (e.g. not "test") codebase:
Organization by type of features or geo-political regions is not at all specific to 3D content, and is completely unrelated to the purpose of a Bounding Volume Hierarchy to facilitate culling to optim…
In general a statement regarding compatibility or conformance with OAS or other OGC API components should be supported by an automated CI/CT process.
OGC COSI team is developing a framework for reu…
Is there any plan to have an equivalent to the GetPropertyValue operation in the WFS standard? This could allow attributes to be selected at:
- `https://[...]/collections/{collectId}/items/properti…