Hi there,
We are working on project about the ontology and we are trying to display two ontologies on the same web page. We were trying to use your plugin ols-graphview but it’s appears that there …
In order to check that everything is working as intended, it would be good idea to have a test set of at least two ontologies that one can easily import and begin linking. I say so because I have so f…
syats updated
6 years ago
We've assembled these links elsewhere, but I'll just add a few that we're talking about now for future reference. Feel free to add more...
- https://plants.usda.gov
- https://www.ars-grin.gov
- h…
Attached in the screenshot are the top hits for a single sample run through exomiser's phenotype only mode + pheval runner post processing.
- The top two hits (ORPHA:25 and OMIM: 231670) are actuall…
AO33 updated
3 months ago
| Fixed | ID | Status | Download | Parsing | EBI Override | PURL | Notes | Pipeline Error |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| | cido | *active* | ❌ | | | http:/…
I think we need some simple tests of reading/writing ontologies with banana-rdf.
With the diesel DSL, we can write almost in literate fashion the official mapping of OWL2 Functional Syntax to RDF:
Load the attached ontology.
Unless "Structural Reasoner" is being used, the rendering can be messed up
wherever inference is called for.
Perhaps we should handle this by displaying a permanent …
[OBO Foundry](https://obofoundry.org) Ontologies can be accessed natively though BioCypher by providing a file location (local or remote). See https://biocypher.org/tutorial-ontology.html