Hey, this is a great idea, and I plan to use it–usually I just keep notes in a text file or strewn all over my desktop, which is obviously not ideal.
I have a suggestion, though: instead of ever re…
Not really sure where to submit these...
0x4DB7C61C = GRINGO_…
Using commit 5c5b809ee2daff411047d0da8f7676feb2767f4c and running with this command
`RUST_BACKTRACE=1 RUSTFLAGS=-Zsanitizer=address cargo +nightly run -Zbuild-std --target x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu me…
Turns out reserved words are a common feature in programming languages: they provide structure but otherwise have void semantic content. Its also traditional to use a "perfect hash" as a check for res…
Loading modules:
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import rdFingerprintGenerator
from rdkit import DataStructs
import rdkit
from rdkit.Chem import Draw
Initialisation of the f…
I just read about the plans about integrating blake2 via libsodium to PHP 7.2. Unfortunately the PHP community missed the opportunity to add a function b2sum() - like sha1_file() - to PHP 7.…
The lhash algorithm is quite clever, in that it dynamically resizes both increasing and decreasing in size automatically. It also amortises any size changes over a period of time by incrementally r…
I'm developing [Digital Media Server](https://github.com/DigitalMediaServer/DigitalMediaServer/) and I'm trying to "prepare" it for being able to use the newer versions of tsMuxer. The lack of (meanin…
Wicked fast indeed! Are there any plans to extend salmon to also detect gene fusion events? There isn't a fast and accurate way to do that yet, only approaches requiring full alignments. Most often a …
# Background...
The subresource integrity spec notes [in section 3.4](https://www.w3.org/TR/SRI/#verification-of-html-document-subresources) that:
> A future revision of this specification is li…