RSS链接: https://api.ani.rip/ani-download.xml
I came here to thank you for all the great work you produced and shared with us - you'll be missed! Here are a couple stand out things I remember about you:
* you're a die hard darcs user and you i…
Use eto's engine to process RIP images -- this is a stop gap to #34
You made me a lot of money, love u baby~
Any plan on updating WM for XX and PTH?
When ever I used the g0blin jailbreak it would work till now. When ever I try to jailbreak it says error and when I hit it again it restarts my iPod. WHAT DO I DO
I'm testing VGMTrans with CPS2 songs and I noticed that some instruments seem to fall out of the regular converted 16 tracks.
For example, try converting the intro music from SFA2 and you'll notice t…
Wanny updated
5 years ago
like `cd -` -- jumps back to the previous ripenv. Would be neat.
### Question
I maintain this shell tool rip2: https://github.com/MilesCranmer/rip2. I also use nushell. How can I make `rip` nushell-compatible, so that it outputs normally to bash, but outputs nushe…
* Ripme version: v1.7.92
* Java version: : 1.8.0_241-b07
* Operating system: : 10.0.18362.836
* Exact URL you were trying to rip when the problem occurred: n/a
* Please include any additional info…