In the [TAG review for `text-wrap: pretty`](https://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/864#issuecomment-2173934184), the [TAG was worried](https://github.com/w3ctag/meetings/blob/gh-pages/2024/te…
Hi there 👋
We've already integrated the [Web SDK](https://developer.alloy.com/public/docs/document-verification-web-sdk) with the [TruValidate (Iovation) Device Risk Integration](https://developer…
1. [핵심 문제 정의 및 해결 방안 - 데이터의 동기화](https://github.com/dldyou/UnifiedWoowaService/blob/f4be302c74130c199ee696a147593ad446e19a4c/documents/MidTerm/contents/ProblemDefinition.typ#L37)에서 Spring 사용 시 내용 변경이 …
### What happened?
if a pod use a volume, the kubelet will use VerifyControllerAttachedVolume to verify that the volume is attached.when the pendingOperations was not completed, and the pod was rem…
# Description
google/trillian has already opted into module and indirectly depends on onsi/ginkgo through a GOPATH project. And project onsi/ginkgo already opted into module and released a v2+ versi…
Please add risks that users should be aware of that are related to the Alpha release.
A few minutes ago I've emailed you the details to one high risk broken access control vulnerability and will now write you the details to three more (but low to lower medium risk) broken access contro…
### Contribution Description
Create a tool that enables organizations to assess platform maturity based on the existing Platform Maturity Model. The tool will help organizations measure their relat…
I don't see how jailbreak on android/iOS is a relevant risk for this app. There are security risks associated with this app, but
the big risks I see (aside from location hiding) are: Specifying a…