I have Python 3.13 set up on a laptop with Win10 and modified the port to the assigned COM#, and 1200, 8b, no parity, stop bits 2, and used the 'Hardware' flow control setting, and have set up a CH340…
Since the SIM7000 seems to support GPS and NMEA output over either USB or the UART3_TX/UART3_RX pins it might be a good idea to also connect (or at least breakout) those pins?
This wa…
I have a 300W Solar Cell laying around and I want to use it wit yout MPPT-Design.
The problem: it has about 40V maximum.
Where is the 25V limit, I mean the mosfets can handle 55V...
Is …
I have this [VGA2HDMI ](https://es.aliexpress.com/item/32848408479.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.56d86c15fhB1Tu&algo_pvid=7a56b9cc-be10-4cf9-90cd-3d9fc4c8c316&aem_p4p_detail=2021121401054788864972168…
Hi @elupus
Recently I have been playing around with ESP and RS485 (MAX485). After a lot of researching I got it working well, but it might be useful for other users to mention:
- If you want to…
I am working on a project with the Pijuice connected to a solar panel through the micro USB.
One of the features that I would like is the capability to measure the power output from the s…
As titled. Please add what this jumper does to the manual.
Programming the RISCV example into the FPGA does not do anything. The LED doesn't blink and the UART doesn't send. I investigated this three months ago and determined that Lattice incorrectly routed t…
I know I can use 5V from the USB, but can I use a 3.3V LiPo battery and do I plug this into the 3.3V/GND?
Hey guys.
I'm looking at the documentation and I can't tell where exactly I'm supposed to plug what in to what. If you could put together a couple of sentences or a diagram of how to attach the e…