### Description
This RFC proposes adding fuzzy auto-completion extending the current strict auto-completion. This would allow us to forgive things like spelling mistakes and suggest more relevant com…
Eric posted this to the PSI-PI list, so copied here for tracking:
By way of background, we at ISB have been testing to the ProteoWizard idconvert
tool to convert our TPP output (pepXML & protXML…
Inspired from this, I've created [luce-filter](https://github.com/laggingreflex/luce-filter). One key feature that I really wanted, and one that I wasn't sure would even be in the scope of this libr…
/kind feature
general description:
(correct me if I am wrong)
Model Explainer currently supports LIME as its default explainer engine, the very beginning requests will hit the [`explain()`](htt…
It would be nice to have search across projects, to support this let's have a look at lunrjs as it
seems to be the default frontend search thingy.
Related to Issue #21.
Wondering if there have been any ideas about how we want to handle cart damage as a game mechanic - I know part of Patrick's idea for scoring was based on damage in a round.
**Describe the bug**
Hi, no specific bug... I just can't get AlphaPept to run! I have a collection of mzML files from PXD003881 converted using ThermoRawFileParser that I am trying to analyze with …
Eric posted this to the PSI-PI list, so copied here for tracking:
By way of background, we at ISB have been testing to the ProteoWizard idconvert
tool to convert our TPP output (pepXML & protXML…
I'm currently running topmg using a model protein that's heavily modified (around 2-5 phosphorylations) and the protein's quite large (around 40kDa) so the precursor scans were acquired at l…
Using macOS Ventura 13.4.1 and Clang
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