## Statuses
**[2024-11-07] [Jill]** DST has resolved [DST #3222](https://github.com/department-of-veterans-affairs/vets-design-system-documentation/issues/3222) which will ship in next DS version
I was deliberating with @jordanjay29 about the moderation flow. I know he, just like me, tries to read all content posted on discuss. With that as a given, the notification icons (which show an incorr…
@adamhstewart I made some edits on this document, mostly to address some french to english translation issues. You'll need to cross check where the changes are against the wiki page- sorry I couldn't …
These are our ideas for the rpg game
How would sub-contracted agencies be captured? For example, I know of an "agency" that has about 10 programs. One of these programs is Head Start and this "agency" is the fiduciary agent for all Head …
Our distributional tables currently use AGI as the tab variable. Instead, they should use an "expanded income" measure that more accurately reflects economic well being.
Our first step should be t…
**Deleted dataset.**
Looks like this dataset was deleted March 18, 2024 but there is no replacement. Does the pipeline processing catch instances like this & create an issue for Secretariat staff to …
## User Stories
AS A Veteran, service member or caregiver
I NEED to understand my options for receiving a particular service
SO THAT I can choose the option that works best for me
AS AN editor o…
Other than clinicians and nursing professionals, there are sets of health professionals, including technicians and assistants, among patients. We are looking for more inclusive terms to express the in…
Currently the app supports just Western health, and in particular WH anaesthetists. However there is obviously a lot of potential to help out other hospitals and medical staff. For the time being w…