## Abstract
Snowswap is a DeFi product offering the ability to swap between DeFI pools with lower fees. https://snowswap.org/
They also support staking pools.
## Motivation
Build up more DeFi…
For the registry to be successful we want the following things to be true:
1. There is a compelling reason for users to believe that the registry is accurate and trustworthy.
2. That contributing…
Suggestion for farms/staking pools to be added to VFAT.
- Shibance Inu - https://shibanceinu.com/
Contract: 0x5D5E43F3e095fBFCc2EaeEA833BBeb3a88Ff21c9
- Landshare - https://landshare.io/
fetch data from api of speedrun, and parser it for our need.
API Example:
`get https://bewater.leeduckgo.com/builders`
"id": "0x3C44CdD…
The Yieldscan app shows 35%+ yields for many staking configurations. I'm not entirely sure this is incorrect, since it is computed using validator era rewards. I'll evaluate over the next week and rep…
The problem is that the participant turned in his work, then withdrew it back, and submitted a new work. After all of this, I was unable to judge his work.
Token data is stale according to Kay. While investigating this, I saw the following in the logs. Perhaps this is preventing updates of token data.
Traceback (most recent call last):
root@7a72d55b2382:/go/src/v4/protocol/cmd/dydxprotocold# go run main.go start --home ./.dydxprotocol
3:10AM INF Parsed App flags Flags={"DdAgentHost":"","DdErrorTrackingFormat":false,"DdTraceAgentPor…
## Problem Definition
There is some views where we show historical amount + usd value at the time. If the user uses any currency other than USD then the displayed value is wrong since the frontend …
## Context
- https://github.com/Joystream/pioneer/issues/4321
## Design
[Link to Figma> ](https://www.figma.com/file/tjad3r2EZJXRMFOELcxxNR/Validators?node-id=146%3A103560&t=jqHGNwf0jVupH08w-…