**Describe the bug**
The trained model program (.ino) for Arduino, which is output after training with `Embedded image models`, cannot be written with current Arduino_tensorflowlite to Arduino nano 3…
I tried to load the real time model with Tensorflow lite with GPU delegate turned on. But it failed to load, complaining that GPU delegate can only be used with static-sized model. Could you please ma…
Currently, the TFLite wasi-nn implementation performs quantization if quantization scale and zero-point exist (https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wasm-micro-runtime/blob/main/core/iwasm/libraries/was…
CIPop updated
5 months ago
# Prerequisites
Please answer the following question for yourself before submitting an issue.
- [ x ] I checked to make sure that this issue has not been filed already.
## 1. The entire URL o…
I got an error during uploading my firmware on OpenCR 1.0 board.
The error message is shown in the following screenshot.
I've recently learned about StableHLO, and been pretty convinced that it should be a frontend to HEIR:
1. StableHLO is an open-source first project aiming to be a standard inside and
outside …
asraa updated
5 months ago
I made tflite model with
but the probem is that I export tflite…
OS Version : Ubuntu 16.04
Tensorflow Version: 1.8.0
When I run the command `toco --help` the output is :
TOCO from pip install is currently not working on command line.
Please use the py…
In the VS Code extension, we have a way to detect a language using https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-languagedetection. It has a model embedded which comes from https://github.com/yoeo/guesslang. It…
I want to deploy my custom model on ztachip. Could you assist me with the deployment process or point me towards documentation?