What steps will reproduce the problem?
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
Please provide any a…
I'm install PatrOwl on Ubuntu:
| Ubuntu Version | 20.04 |
| Python Version | 3.8 |
I'm getting an error on installing the requirements:
Requirement already satisfied: setuptools>=3.…
MacBook-Pro:~ jerry$ barhide -hV [options] utools.app
/opt/homebrew/bin/barhide: line 89: [: too many arguments
No app with this name
mkdir -p D:/svn/projects/Leopold/qml-material/build/src/out; sed "s/# pl
ugin material/plugin material/" D:/svn/projects/Leopold/qml-material/src/qmldir
> D:/svn/projects/Leopold/qml-mat…
Dear all:
I am trying to use Dronekit-Android to develop an Android APP that can take off the plane on JMAVSim simulator. However, I cannot even connect the drone. If anybody knows, please reply, than…
Explain the problem here ...
I saw your script in tips and extras wiki page, it can auto update missing plugin and source $myvimrc after it. But it still have a buffer after that. So I decided …
### Firebase Test Run: [Firebase link](https://console.firebase.google.com/u/0/project/moz-reference-browser-230023/testlab/histories/bh.b4e77beaed81bc1c/matrices/4708459681406690527/executions/bs.858…
1 - Habilitar o módulo na versão atual
2 - Entender como o módulo funciona e escrever uma breve descrição
3 - Módulo funciona na versão atual?
4 - Módulo funciona na versão 10 do drupal?
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "actionlog.py", line 98, in
for action in monitor.monitor():
File "actionlog.py", line 79, in monitor
for action in self.actiongen():
File "actio…
I've been trying to inject it for like 3 weeks now but It doesn't work please help. I have the cmd files in the program files section of my c drive and it just shows each time that the command is inva…