First of all...
* Should we change `MultiArch` to `MultiArchitecture`? It's not a big deal, but `MultiArch` does seem to violate our "verbosity" rules.
Some observations and questions:
* Shou…
We should add a benchmark for a fully loaded model, e.g. WENO-5 + RK3 + multiple passive tracers + TEOS-10(?) + output writing + time averaging + ...
With #1088 we can serialize such a `BenchmarkGr…
Weno esto es algo con lo que tambien nos topamos el semestre pasado. Obviamente los usuarios no pueden tener acceso a cosas a las cuales se supone que solo los empleados deben de accesar, como agrega…
# Bug reports:
### Expected behavior:
### Current behavior:
Errors while running CTest
Output from these tests are in: /home/lek/Research/Codes/spectre/kidder/feature/spatial_discreti…
Issue: Some subroutines are both manually inlined and still exist as separate subroutines.
For example: in `m_weno`, the `s_preserve_monotonicity` exists but is never called because it was manually i…
An issue with your hyperlink for the Websites, linked to /Pages/Websites.html instead of /WENO/Pages/Websites.html
This is implying you're trying to access a file called Website.html from a non-exi…
Inspired by trying to resolve #1866, I have been looking over `shallow_water_advection_operators.jl`.
The first cocern is with[ line 22.](https://github.com/CliMA/Oceananigans.jl/blob/e76deefc1fdf1…
I observe a discontinuous doubling of docs building time from 3 hours on
to 6 hours after "Merge pull re…
MFC simulation doesn't build (compile) with `--debug` on GPU.
Here's a dump from wingtip. Same is true on Phoenix, though. Builds fine without `--debug`. Also `-j 8` isn't the problem.
I report here some issues connected to updating to Oceananigans 0.80.0
ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching min_Δx(::ImmersedBoundaryGrid{Float64, Periodic, Bounded, Bounded, Lat…