is there a way to
- assign story points
- turn an issue into an epic
- add an issue to an epic
We're so excited that you've decided to try ZenHub! Now that you're here, let's make sure you know how to get the most out of ZenHub Epics.
- [ ] Create an Epic in ZenHub
ZenHub Epics contain issue…
Fix ZenHub access for team members.
If the KPI is cost per unit, KPI reduction should be based on actual amounts (either "Impact on KPI"/"Baseline Amount" for cost per unit).
This is only really important if the user entered cost per u…
Sorting is not working in the examiner dashboard. Clicking up/down arrow did not change anything.
The company type prompt, below, should be hidden for name change NRs.
## Description
> 따로 써보진 않았지만... @sujinnaljin 님이 이슈 생성하고 사용하는데 약간 지라 티켓발급하는 것 처럼 사용하는 느낌인데요, 이 참에 젠헙 도입해서 에픽 단위로 티켓관리 해보는건 어떨까요??
- [zenhub.com](https://www.zenhub.com/)
- 이슈사항으로는 젠헙을 쓰려면 크롬 또는 파…
need revoke and auth again: https://www.zenhub.com/faq
The transaction history display for CONSUMED is supposed to be like:
However, after api changed upon #22774, the UI is like:
Please update the code to ensure compatibility with both formats.