Loading has failed due to an unhandled error
Failure in subsystem : Part compilation
Part: MKS 'Ranger' Agricultural Module (UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/Parts/Ranger_AgModule/Ranger_AgModule)
Issues with Inferium/Prosperity (Mystical Agriculture) and Brilliant Stone (Malum) in Andesite/Granite/Diorite/Tuff not rendering properly in world or as an item.
Drops are good, just a texture issue…
MrPYF updated
3 hours ago
### 1. Lesson Topic
An introduction to using NASA satellite data and climate models to inform agricultural science and land management
### 2. Lesson Language
English, French, Arabic
### 3. Draft m…
## Objective
Currently the classification for non-agri queries is lenient. A lot of queries that are non-agri are being classified as agri and the bot starts responding. We need to train our BERT cla…
### Possible Fixes
### Modpack Version
### What happened?
When using drygmy on jar with dragon we only got Dragon Scale from [Forbidden & Arcanus]
HOw would one integrate an agri dashboard with an accounting system? And how would one integrate that into an economic model. Minsky system dynamics is based on Steve Keen's Minsky software. An open s…
Experiencing an issue with essence farmland in MA: Refab, in which creating essence farmland still returns 1 inferium essence when inferium seeds are grown on it, when the book and reddit entries I ha…
#### Issue Description:
Am Modpack author. Log says Mystical agriculture integration fails.
[Worker-Main-5/ERROR] [bloodmagic/]: MysticalAgriculture integration cancelled: unable to find a clas…
Hi @coroa (and @gidden),
I have started work with MESSAGE colleagues to create input data to work with for concordia .
I.e., I spoke to a colleague about the CDR variables, and this morning with o…
I am currently in the process of opening a minecraft server on 1.21.1 NeoForge, at version 21.1.61.
When attempting to update the crafting recipes of the seeds and the tiers, I have so far been uns…