Coherence logic currently broadcasts DIRECTORY_DATA_READ and DIRECTORY_TRANSLATION_READ events from all private caches, even in case of a hit.
Fix: Broadcast should happen only in the "last" privat…
Does coherence need ldap integration in generators?
For example, with additional parameter `ldap` controller with exlap bindigs generated instead db entity verification
Correct me if I'm wrong, but these are two different things. You can't take a token from `Coherence.user_token` function and send it in header to `Coherence.Authentication.Token` plug, because they ha…
# 2 coherence basics
fig 2.1 一个基础系统模型
fig 2.2 incoherence的例子
作者对coherence有自己的定义,将一个给定内存地址的lifetime分成epochs, 其基础是SWMR invariant
6-9 章详细谈invalidate protocols
coherence 的粒度是cache block
Hello everyone! Thanks for the attention!
I'm using this library for an university project that has the scope to analyze the topics in Twitter's data. I used also LDA algorithm for discover topics …
A lot of parts of the documentation blend together into an un-readale mess, since there is no visual consistent signature for segmentation of topics / segments.
For example:
A basic coherence sorting has been implemented. This improves the highest frequency estimates at for example IAK34, but there are still some issues with phase, and a few bad periods in aurora that ar…
**Describe the bug**
> Dans l'outil de notification lui-même, l'onglet Timeline montre toutes les dates, à l'exclusion de la date de résolution. NOK Remarques: Dans la définition des Workflow on n'…
Thanks for an amazing core. I've tested quite a few games, including wolf3d and they all seem to work surprisingly well. This core also works better than ao486 at least in one respect, and that is tha…
DICS, coherence as well as LCMV.