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- News
- EMNLP 2021: 모두들 수고 많으셨습니다.
- NeurIPS 2021: 데드라인 (abs 21일, Full 28일) 연장. 모두들 파이팅입니다.
- ICCV 2021 리뷰 마감: 26일 (PDT??)
- 구글 I/O 2021: https://byline.network/2021/05/19-150/
- AI 미래…
Hello, Sir.
I have something to ask you about this code.
I wonder a reason of why you do not exclude 'none' target answer.
Your code seems to include such data samples like "PersonX loses per…
Dear scholar,
Could I ask about the dimension of knowledge embedding ? It contains a lot of entities embedding ?
> We show how to assess a language model's knowledge of basic concepts of morality. We introduce the ETHICS dataset, a new benchmark that spans concepts in justice, well-being, duties, virtues, and co…
Hello, thank you for your interest. Train data, too, is processed in a way so that the first candidate is always the correct one. Note that the model is agnostic to the fact whether a candidate is the…
Although a scripting approach is provided, would you consider providing a Python API ?
for example
import rebiber
str = '@article{lin2020birds,
title={Birds have four legs?! NumerSense: Pr…
## 📚 Documentation
Interpreting BERT Models (Part 1) (https://captum.ai/tutorials/Bert_SQUAD_Interpret) . It is mentioned at the end of this tutorial that "In the Part 2 of this tutorial we will …
* AI News
* Conference
* ICML 2021 rebuttal
* ACL 2021 rebuttal
* …