I have an Organizr tab for my router's webUI so I can check real-time bandwidth, etc. I only access this on my LAN.
I upgraded my Ubiquiti EdgeRouterX from firmware version to 1.9.7. and n…
Anyone have any ideas or advice on how to configure an EdgeRouter Lite to send all internet traffic on LAN through the algo server?
Specifically, I'm looking for step-by-step instructions to enable…
This was uncovered in issue #513. The minimum for the range of edge weights should always be zero, _not_ the smallest weight in the worksheet.
Ubiquity Networks has released [EdgeOS 1.8.0](http://community.ubnt.com/t5/EdgeMAX-Updates-Blog/EdgeMAX-EdgeRouter-software-release-v1-8-0/ba-p/1490756).
sodre updated
7 years ago
The description for the Ubiquiti Home Network.pdf states 'Added Multi AP / Managed SW Info.', but I don't seem to be able to find the info in the pdf. It seems that it is the same version from before…
This is a placeholder for a lower priority item. If I happen to come across a low cost copper 1/10GE switch we could move the "cn" nodes onto a switch that has a 10G uplink by just re-addressing them …
implement 0xFF-BMK-webstatus to the Edgemax wizard.
When cross-compiling for the EdgeRouter Lite using the Cavium SDK (3.1), I get the following error.
lochnair@debianbuild:~/edgeos/sch_cake$ ARCH=mips CROSS_COMPILE=mips64-octeon-linux-gnu- make
I have in this script set zones.
'WAN' eth0 DHCP
'LAN' eth1
'DMZ' eth2
'VPN' vti1 (openvpn site2site tunel)
'MGMT' vtun1 (remote access to router)
Any idea why I might be seeing this error? I'm trying to modify this script as per: https://community.ubnt.com/t5/EdgeMAX/statuscake-auto-address-group-population/m-p/1509015#M102637
But I can't seem…
staze updated
8 years ago