I'm not sure what's causing this. I have the following plugins installed:
Hello :)
I've installed your great theme. I see it applied in JSON files, but not in Python, Bash nor Markdown files.
Is there extra configuration to do to generalize your theme to all supported…
1. logger.lua - I would recommend plenary, for which I added output customization (the default one is very verbose)
2. asynctask is redundant to overseer
3. take a look at my dotfiles for common fug…
- `nvim --version`: NVIM v0.6.0-dev+42-geece0735f
- `git --version`: git version 2.31.1
- Operating system/version: MACOSX
- Terminal name/version: iTerm2
### Steps to reproduce
Add the…
A use case is that fugitive will use initiate a job (eg `Gwrite`), while writing this file also trigger other autocmds which launches other jobs.
Currently, we can run only one command each time. So …
when I do file diff using dv to trigger the diff window, I got below error and whole vim crashes.
It seems it works fine some times for certain versions.
------------error log----------------
I use the following to auto-close coc-explorer if it's the last open window:
`autocmd BufEnter * if (winnr("$") == 1 && &filetype == 'coc-explorer') | q | endif`
which is a suggestion I found ba…
Error detected while processing function twiggy#Branch[14]..130_Render[38]..130_standard_view[10]..twiggy#get_branches[4]..130_get_uniq_branch_names_from_reflog[5]..130_system:
line 11:
The plugin vim-fugitive that you already have installed provides the same thing as your `b` command with a little bit more extended functionality. The command is `:GBlame` and it also provides you wit…
Historical CO2 emissions are scaled to match country reported data in the "CR" timeseries. For some sectors, especially 1.B.2 this leads to emissions estimates which are much higher than the original …