If the mouse could be moved using the gyro sensor then single touch devices
could easily do drag n drop.
This would basically turn the phone into a gyro mouse which easily cost 100+$
these days…
If the mouse could be moved using the gyro sensor then single touch devices
could easily do drag n drop.
This would basically turn the phone into a gyro mouse which easily cost 100+$
these days…
Dear experts,
I have a question regarding the gyro data manipulation in the main.c line 407:
/* gyroscope coordinate transformation */
float x_rate = y_rate_sensor; // change x and y rate…
If the mouse could be moved using the gyro sensor then single touch devices
could easily do drag n drop.
This would basically turn the phone into a gyro mouse which easily cost 100+$
these days…
If the mouse could be moved using the gyro sensor then single touch devices
could easily do drag n drop.
This would basically turn the phone into a gyro mouse which easily cost 100+$
these days…
If the mouse could be moved using the gyro sensor then single touch devices
could easily do drag n drop.
This would basically turn the phone into a gyro mouse which easily cost 100+$
these days…
I am currently using HandheldCompanion in addition to these tools _only_ to get gyroscopic emulation of the right joystick when simulating an xbox 360 controller. I am using this project for everythin…
Steam Input currently has options for allowing Gyro within controllers to emulate various forms of Input such as mouse input, as well as joystick axis inputs. From what I can tell, Steam Input relies …