Add command buttons and dialoguges to the project page for importing and exporting argument graphs in the following formats:
- Carneades Argument Format (CAF).
- Argument Interchange Format (AIF).
Mainly for Digitization workflow, but also to upload bib records from other duty stations (ESCWA, ESCAP, etc.). Currently upload is only possible via the backend; a UI would allow end users to do it t…
Currently Iola NLE only read and writes its own XML file format.
However, it was intentionally designed by reusing elements from the FCP XML Interchange Format, while wrapping them in a custom root e…
ISO working on creating a standard for measuring latent quality. Preliminary work item, but should be kept under watch.
What's the "interchange" format between matrix generation and key generation? I believe we may have different formats in which we want to be able to output matrices. Do we accept all of these for inpu…
[UBL](https://docs.oasis-open.org/ubl/os-UBL-2.4/UBL-2.4.html) is an OASIS Standard specifying "a generic XML interchange format for business documents", some (many) of which are relevant to supply ch…
Has there been any discussion of using [parquet files](https://www.databricks.com/glossary/what-is-parquet) at some level of dataverse? (I see it mentioned in only [one issue](https://github.com/IQSS…
bgm.tv (One of the largest anime tracking website in Chinese)
User profile URL would be in any of the following format:
Domain name i…
Danbooru already does this for ugoira. I feel that the graphics interchange format falls under the same category of being so heavy that its file size limits its usability.
Datasets including deepweeds (Olsen et al) and cwfid (Haug et al) are distributed with predefined train/test splits. We should consider representing this information in our interchange format.